Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black

Get ready to go for a walk in the woods.  The woods where people don't return.  The woods hold monsters...

Little Brown Books for Young Readers and Edelweiss gave me the opportunity to read this book (thank you).  It has just been published, so check with your local bookstore for a copy.

This is a story of dark fae, promises made in desperation, and a young prince in a glass coffin in the woods.  This is also a blend of magic and myth that creates an interesting fantasy tale with lots of danger mixed in.

Hazel is in love with a changling; Ben, her brother, is in love with the prince.  Hazel also owes the King of Fae a debt.  She asked for a favor and got it, but she owes him seven years of her life.  The fact that she did it for Ben and he refused the gift doesn't matter.  

Hazel and Ben imagined themselves to be monster slayers.  They had been successful at it until Ben's music was silenced.  Now they're going to be in the biggest battle of their life with the King of Fae as their enemy.

It's fast paced, there's plenty of scary parts, and the story does end happily ever after.  What more could you want?

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Baxter and Jeffrey by Ariane and Todd Erickson

A picture book about a young boy who wants to become a knight - WITHOUT any help - and a young dragon who is CERTAIN he can help him!